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The Call of Wisdom

Series: Wisdom in Proverbs


Main Idea: Be attentive; wisdom shouts, seeking to teach and offer eternal blessing.

1. Wisdom shows herself, fully.

-Proverbs 8:1-5

-Wisdom is conspicuous. (8:1-3)
-Wisdom is approachable. (8:4-5)

2. Wisdom speaks only truth.

-Wisdom is vocal. (Proverbs 8:6-9)
*True wisdom comes only from God, who is perfectly holy and will always guide you in righteousness
-Wisdom is invaluable.(8:10-11)

3. Wisdom sources all virtue.

-Wisdom requires humility. (8:12-16)
-Wisdom rewards dedication (8:17-21)

4. Wisdom shapes all creation.

-Wisdom precedes creation. (8:22-26)
-Wisdom sustains creation. (8:27-31)

5. Wisdom secures God's favor

-Wisdom found brings life. (8:32-35)
-Wisdom disregarded brings death. (8:36)

*Wisdom is perfectly embodied in the person of Jesus. All of Proverbs 8 points to Him.

Main Idea: Be attentive; wisdom shouts, seeking to teach and offer eternal blessing.

Speaker: Tim Jollay

February 11, 2024

Tim Jollay

Berean Kids Pastor

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