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Testify to the Gospel



Lives and Lips that “Testify to the Gospel!” 
Passage: Acts 20

Paul’s farewell to and a re-commissioning of the Elders of Ephesus in Acts 20 is full of instructive examples. It is a great source for learning godly living, as well as pure methods, and motives for ministry. Let’s eavesdrop

Ministry is to be Up close and Personal

  • There’s little Impact without Personal Contact (vs. 18a, cf. John 1:1-14; 1:35-51 – “come and see”)
  • Be Consistent in our Public / Private lives (18b, cf. 1 Cor. 11:1)
  • Character Matters (vs. 19, 20). Humility, Tenderness, Persistence, Boldness

The Message Matters

  • Keep Christ Central (vs. 20, 21)
  • Paul Proclaimed Christ because people need Christ (Col. 1:28, 29)
  • Repentance toward God (Mark 1:14, 15; 1 Thess. 1:9, 10)
  • Faith on the Lord Jesus (vs. 21; John 3:16-18; Rom. 6:23; 10:9-13) 

Be Committed to Testify to the Gospel 

  • Testify to the gospel – the Evangel - good news.
  • Good News of God’s Grace is needed! (Eph. 2:1-10)  

A GOSPEL Acrostic: The good news starts with God:

  • God! Yes, He is. He is holy and great.
  • Owner. It’s personal - He created, owns us, has rights over
  • Sent His Son to save us sinners. We failed, He planned a rescue
  • Paid our penalty on the cross, proven by the empty tomb
  • Extends invitation to adoption into His Kingdom, covenant family
  • Love Him! Seen in living for Him and loving others

Like these Elders, you are Commissioned! Take Up Your Ministry (vs. 28-36)

Keep Watch over selves and each other. Shepherd God’s church.
Beware Destructive Outsiders and Divisive Insiders.
We get to tell those in darkness a light has come; to those in death there is life. Let’s be “all in” to share the good news about Jesus, the source of God’s grace(Rom. 5:1-8; 8:1; Titus 2:11-14; 3:3-8).
What are you willing to die and live for?  Luke 9:32; Col. 3:1-3
May the Lord help us to see and seize opportunities to testify of Jesus.

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