Join us for Christmas Eve at 4:00, 5:30, or 7:00pm!More Details Here


Berean Kids

There is a race to the heart of a child and the first one to get there wins. Berean Kids seeks to engage children with the love and message of Jesus from their earliest years. We partner with parents to help your kids grow in their understanding and faith in a fun and safe environment.

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Berean Students

There is perhaps no more important time to form your worldview and make your faith your own than your teenage years. Berean Students exists to gather students together so that they can grow in their faith and relationship with Jesus then be equipped to go on mission for him. 

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Every follower of Jesus is called to live in Christian community. It's our hope that we can help you connect relationally and grow spiritually in our church. Learn more about our groups and growth classes by clicking below! 

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Our prayer is that God would use us to take life in Christ to the ends of the earth. We have dozens of partners locally and globally who are seeking to make Christ known. Read more about our missionaries and organizational partners on our missions page. 

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