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Use Your Gifts


Serve with Us

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 
-1 Peter 4:10

We believe that God made with absolute intentionality. God doesn't make mistakes. Even more, if you are in Christ, God has designed you and empowered you by His Spirit for works of service in the body of Christ. We would love to help you discover your gifts and equip you to leverage your gifts for the good of the body of Christ. 

YOU are God's Plan A to build His church. 

Too many Christians are sitting on the sidelines when they should be in the game! Christianity is not meant to be a spectator sport. From loving and teaching children in Berean Kids, to visiting a widow or shut-in, to using your musical ability to lead the church in worship we have a spot for you. Explore these opportunities below!

Berean Kids

The race is to the heart of the child and the first one there wins. There are dozens of opportunities to have an impact in the next generation working with Berean Kids. From a small group leader, to teacher, to nursery helper and skit actor, we would love to have you join the team!

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We are always on the look out for those who may be gifted in music or technology. From singing, to playing an instrument, to running slides or sound we would love to help you discover and develop your gifts to lead the church in praise and worship.

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Berean students has multiple opportunities to serve from being a greeter, to small group leader, or helping with technology or worship. If you have a passion for the next generation this is the place for you!

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One of the ways every believer is called to serve is through giving generously. By giving financially you are supporting our church's mission and directly contributing to change and meeting needs in our community and around the world.

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Group Leader

We are always looking for qualified followers of Jesus who have a heart to shepherd people. Berean is made up of dozens of smaller groups where people of all ages can do life together. It takes an army of shepherds with a heart for people to lead these groups. If you have a passion for discipleship and community we would love to talk to you about becoming a leader.

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Outreach & Missions

Every follower of Jesus is called to pray, give, and go. Learn more about how you can serve alongside other believers to help take the gospel to those who do not yet have it. We are not only called to serve in the church, we are called to go as the church!

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Live missionally

Go to the world

We believe that every believer is sent on mission with God to show His love and share the good news of Jesus. Every person has a role in the taking the message of the gospel to those who do not yet know and have not heard. We have a strategy for local and global missional impact and love deploying workers on mission. Click below to get involved in taking life in Christ to the heart of Ohio and beyond!  

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