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Our Mission

We are a community of Christ followers enjoying God together, growing in grace and truth, and taking life in Christ to the heart of Ohio and beyond. 

Enjoying God

We believe that the most important thing in life, the chief end of man, is to glorify God by enjoying Him forever. As a community of Christ followers we long to enjoy God together. We do this through a personal pursuit of Jesus everyday of our lives as we seek to grow closer to our Savior. We also enjoy God through our corporate gatherings on Sunday. Want to join us? Plan a Visit Here

Growing in Grace and Truth

Healthy communities find an important tension between both grace and truth. We are inviting and welcoming, knowing that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. Every single one of us, no matter our story, is in need of God's grace found in Jesus. God calls us to speak the truth in love to one another, and this is the primary way we are built up to become more like Christ. The best environment for this is a smaller group where you can be known and loved and build a relationship where the truth can be spoken with grace. Explore all of our groups here. 

Taking Life in Christ to the Heart of Ohio and Beyond

The Church is a sent people. We are not called to keep the good news of Jesus to ourselves but to share it with the world. Every believer is called to serve in and outside of the Church to show and share Jesus. Explore how you can serve in the church here or how you can also join the sent church here.

Life in Christ Triangle

One of the tools we use to explain what a healthy disciple looks like is the Life in Christ Triangle. Healthy disciples are growing in all three of these relationships: relationship with God (up), relationship with believers (in), and their relationship with the world (out). 

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Contact Information

2145 Middle Bellville Road, Mansfield, OH 44904

(419) 756-3300

Office Hours:
M-TH 9:00AM - 4:00PM

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Service Information

Sunday Services:
9:15 AM & 11:00 AM - Berean Kids (Birth-5th) Available for Both Services

What To Expect:
Services are around one hour. Casual dress. 

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